About Us
Our Story
​For over 50 years, we have been pleased to provide this ministry to our church families and the community of Leesburg, VA and Loudoun County. St. James’ Preschool is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing children a quality learning experience, while cultivating their spiritual awareness. By providing a loving social environment, the students will be raised with the knowledge of God’s love. Respecting the God-given worth of all children, the program has been designed to enable each unique child to be involved in a creative learning experience in a Christian atmosphere of love and acceptance. St. James’ Preschool will provide your child with the opportunity to develop socially, emotionally, and spiritually in a group outside of their home. It is their first major step towards independence. This is an opportunity for growth, fun, and learning—about their self and God’s world—in relation to other children and to adults other than their parents. This opportunity is provided in an environment especially equipped for and suited to the needs of the small child. A child learns through experience, and experiences through the world of play. Over the course of the year, your child’s teachers will provide him/her with a variety of activities to enhance his/her budding abilities: cultivate self-expression, improve language skills, teach respect for the rights and property of others, improve large and small muscle coordination, explore new art mediums, and develop music and listening appreciation. In engaging your child in these activities, our goal is to aid in the development of your child’s self-confidence and to provide cause for a positive self-image. To foster closeness to God, the preschool provides a meaningful weekly chapel service conducted by our Chapel Leader.  Grace is said before snack time, and a prayer may be included in opening exercises. Bible stories and religious songs are used in the classroom. Thank you for your interest in St. James’ Preschool!

Our People

Kim Carren
Interim Preschool Director
Kim is serving as the preschool’s Interim Director after the retirement of long-time Director Janet Stayrook in 2024. In addition to her new duties, Kim has enthusiastically taught Music and Chapel at SJP for the past four years. Kim’s education and background is rooted in Psychology and healthcare advocacy and navigation. Her experience includes 20 years managing Human Resources activities for a small government contractor, and twelve years as a medical case manager/patient advocate for Loudoun Free Clinic and LMG’s Cancer Center. Kim and her family have worshipped at St. James’ Episcopal church for 25 years. Kim has sung in St. James’ choirs for 23 years, and has been involved in several adult and youth ministries in her beloved St. James’ community. Kim and her husband Mike have two adult children and live in Leesburg.

Laura Heyer
Preschool Administrative Assistant
Laura joined the St. James' family in October of 2005 as the Administrative Assistant for St. James' Episcopal Church. In October of 2007, Laura became the Administrative Assistant for the St. James' Preschool. She is responsible for managing the Preschool office and finances, as well as assisting with Summer Camps, the Preschool registration process, fundraising, mailings, staff meetings, and other areas as needed. Â Outside of St. James', Laura enjoys teaching swim classes at Ida Lee Recreation Center and coaching the Summer swim team and youth bowling league in Leesburg. Laura loves working with children.